Friday, August 24, 2007

Miradas Pacíficas/Pacific Views

Here are a few images from the exhibition. To see all of them go to our new Flickr page. There are actually two different groups of students showing work in this exhibition. Besides my usual group from Aguablanca, the other is from the corrigimiento (suburb) of Los Hormigueros.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Exhibit Time!

Last week the students had their culminating exhibition titled: Miradas Pacíficas (Pacific Views) in conjunction with La Festival de Patronio Alvarez. This festival celebrates the culture and particularly the music of Colombians from the Pacific coast. The photographs dealt with that theme and we took a few trips to places with strong Pacific influences, Los Hormigueros and San Cipriano. Anyway, the exhibition was a huge success. Here are images from the opening. I'll post images from the show directly.

We served Arechón, a drink from the Pacific, at the opening. It reminds me of Puerto Rican Coquito, which is like egg nog but with a serious kick.

Astrid shows off some of her photographs.

There was also an awesome dance performance by a local group.

Below is a photo of me along with Hermán and his wife Claudia representing Foto Ackermann, one of our sponsors. For the 2nd year they donated the printing of the photographs for the exhibition.

Friday, August 3, 2007

ESPERA/Waiting by Lisseth

Esta foto fue tomada en la galeria santa Elena ubicada al sur oriente de cali, ella es una señora que vende gallinas. Me gustaba la expression de la señora, se ve pensativa.

This photo was taken at the Geleria (Market) de Santa Elena located in the southeast of Cali. She is a woman selling chickens. I liked her pensive expression.

A LA OREDEN/At Your Service by Lisseth

Ella esta organizando las frutas que vende, me gusto el color y la composicion. Es un trabajo arduo inicia desde la madrugada.

This woman is organizing the fruit that she sells. It is an arduous job beginning very early in the morning. I liked the color and composition of the photo.

EL CARNICERO/The Butcher by Anna Christina

Me impacto la sangre que tenia el señor en su ropa.

I was impacted by the the blood this man had on his shirt.

LOS MOROCHOS/Workers by Anna Christina

Me gusto la pose del morocho con los platanos en el hombro.

I liked the pose of this worker with the plantains on his shoulder.

EL TROMPO/ The Spinning Thing by Paola

Por mi casa hay un cancha para jugar futbol y recrearse. Pero despues fue invadida, construyeron casas y ya no fue possible volver a jugar alla. El lugar se volvio peligroso y eso me gusto de la foto porque las niñas igual lo disfrutan. Tal vez porque la inocencia no permite reconocer el peligro.

Near my home is a soccer field and playground. But then it was overrun by houses that were constructed and it wasn't possible to play there anymore. It became a dangerous place and that's what I like about the photo because the girls were having fun anyway. Maybe it is because their innocence doesn't allow them to recognize the danger.

BAJO LA LLUVIA/In the Rain by Paola

La foto con las niñas, el laso y la lluvia me parece interesante. Pues aquellas estaban jugando antes de llover. De un momento a otro el cielo se oscurecio y empezo a llover, ellas continuaron.
Me gusta la energia que proyectan porque el clima no las intimido.

This photo with these girls jumping rope in the rain was interesting to me. They were playing before it started raining. Then from one moment to the next the clouds came and it started to rain, but they kept jumping rope. I like the energy they have because they didn't let the weather bother them.

EL VIEJO/Old Man by Karol

Me gusto esta foto por que al pasar por la galeria vi este anciano que apesar de su edad no se le dificulta trabajar vendiendo verdures.

I liked this picture because in the market I saw this old man that has no difficulty selling vegetables despite his age.

MANANTIAL DE VIDA/In the Prime of Their Lives by Oliva

En nuestro barrio hay varios grupos de ancianos, este es uno de ellos.
Se reunen en las mañanas para hacer ejercicio y luego se van algunos de ellos a trabajar en la huerta comunitara que queda ubicada en la parte trasera de la cancha.

In our neighborhood there are various groups of seniors, this is one of them. They meet in the morning to exercise and later go to work in the community garden nearby.

EL CARRETILLERO/ Delivery Man by Oliva

Este hombre tiene el oficio de carretillero, hace viajes de remesas, materiales de construccion, tambien hace trasteos. Cuida de su caballo, porque este es su principal fuente de empleo.
This man works delivering things like construction supplies and also does salvage from what people throw away. He takes care of his horse because it is his livelihood.