Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meeting my New Students

Today I met with my new students for the first time at La Javeriana University in Bogota. I was a little surprised when instead of the 15 students I expected I saw almost 40! It seems Padre Angel from Fundación San Martín de Porres has a tough time saying no. :-)

I discussed what we will be doing over the next few weeks and looked at what our goals and expectations will be. Then we broke up into groups with the help of Jenny Paola from Grincol Communications and Pillar from La Javeriana and worked on the name for the group, as well as mission and vision statements for our project. 

FLORMORADO (Purple Flower local to La Florida where it gets it's name)
Fotos por descubrir… de la florida para el mundo entero
Photographs to discover  . . . from la Florida and the entire world.

Mediante la fotografía sesibilizarnos y enseñar al mundo nuestras costumbres campesinas, con la participación activa de la comunidad de La Florida en su diario vivir, aprovechando nuestros propios recursos.

Using photography to better understand and show the world our rural customs, with the active participation of the community of La Florida in their daily lives, using our own resources.

Consolidarnos como un equipo de fotógrafos, multiplicador, que construye conocimiento y opera trabajando la problematica social que vive nuestro pueblo, para mejorar la calidad de vida y la conservación del medio ambiente.

Consolidate as a team of photographers that builds a working knowledge of the social problems facing our people, to improve the quality of life and environmental conservation.

What a great start, I can't wait to go to La Florida tomorrow and REALLY get this project started!

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