Sunday, July 22, 2007

CONSTRUCTORES DEL FUTURO/Builders of the Future by Lisseth

El “Mio” es un proyecto de transporte masivo que pretende modernizar la ciudad y beneficiar a muchos caleños.
Esta foto fue tomada en el centro de Cali y ellos son trabajdores de construccion.

El "Mio" is a massive transportation project that is trying to modernize the city and benefit many people from Cali. This photograph of Mio construction workers was taken in downtown Cali.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This photograph of workers is a good start, only I believe the photographer has to work a little harding, show with a single frame how this massive undertaking is going to benefit the people of her city. I would like to see more, a place, how this cutout in the earth is going to bring, power, or water to the community it is slicing through. Good start but more work needs to be done to make it a more powerful photograph that illustrates the change that is about to take place. A. Alvarez